Saturday, August 29, 2020

IoT_La 5


Internet of Things 


AIM: Introduction to Raspberry Pi Kit and Python Programming 

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Write a program to interface LED bar with raspberry pi

Raspberry Pi Kit


Code of  Interfacing of LED

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

IoT_Lab 4


Internet of Things 


AIM: Interfacing and controlling the Speed of  Motor(Servo/DC) using Arduino UNO board

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  To study the interfacing of motor using Arduino board and to control the Speed/ Angle of DC/Servo  Motor using Arduino board.



Video of Servo Motor to Arduino Board


Saturday, August 15, 2020

IoT_Lab-III Part B


Internet of Things 


AIM: Interfacing temperature and humidity sensor with arduino uno

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  To study how to interface Temperature & Humidity (DHT11) Sensor with Arduino UNO board.



Video of Interfacing DHT to Arduino Board


Saturday, August 8, 2020



Internet of Things 


AIM: To study how to interface sensor with Arduino board 

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Learn how to program PORTs of Arduino as Input/Output



Video of Interfacing of LDR  and Vibration Sensor to Arduino Board


IoT_Lab 8

  Internet of Things    AIM:   Interfacing Temperature cum Humidity sensor (DHT-11) with Raspberry Pi board  LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   ·       ...